Rêve by roxan is a retailer in pre-loved luxury items. We sell bags and accessories from beautiful designer brands such as Louis Vuitton, Gucci and Prada catered to both men and women.

Our name Rêve, meaning ‘dream’ in French perfectly encapsulates what our store is about. Enjoy a warm cup of coffee or a refreshing glass of Prosecco while shopping for your dream bag from a range of brands and prices. Rêve by roxan makes buying a pre-loved luxury item a whole new experience you won’t forget. 

We take good care for our products and we pay a lot of attention to the status of the item. First of all, we guarantee that we only sell authentic items which will go through a checklist such as serial number/date code, authenticity card, hardware, and stitches. Of course, the typical and significant details of a certain designer bag will also be checked. If we have any doubts about the authenticity of an item, we have it checked by a third party. To verify the condition of a bag, we check stitches, leather parts, zippers, smell and usage.

In addition to bags, we have a jewellery line of necklaces, bracelets, rings and earrings made from gold, silver, and some containing diamonds. These will definitely finish your look! Furthermore, we also have scarfs handmade from silk. 

Located in Hellevoetsluis, Rêve by roxan is a store where you can find beautiful pre-loved or new hand selected items.

Rêve by roxan winkel hellevoetsluis